September 23, 2009

Advice to Mary

It does sound like you have detected the bed bugs at an early stage. It is hard to see them unless they get to a certain mass.

Best bet is to thoroughly inspect every inch of your bed frame - look through every crack and every crevice for these bed bugs. Use RID or EQUATE to spray on areas which are infested. Once you are sure the bed frame does not house the bed bugs, cover the mattress and box springs with the encasement (Protect-A-Bed is probably the best brand in the market) - and pull the bed out so that it is not touching any wall. Wash and dry the existing bed covers, comforters etc on hot before using again. Cover the legs of your bed with vaseline to prevent bugs from climbing up. Ensure that no portion of the bed, blankets etc touch the floor. And finally, before you go to sleep, wear a set of fresh clothes that ideally run through the dryer on hot. At this point, your bed is a secure island.

Another thing that works for me is applying baby talcum powder on my skin - psychologically or otherwise the bugs seem to avoid me.

Take pre-emptive measures now to kill these bed bugs wherever they are hiding. Vacuum all over. Spray DE around the baseboards etc etc.

You do want to invite a Pest Control agent to inspect your home - they might find tell tale evidences.

--- In, ..> wrote:
> Hello, I think my family and I might have bed bugs. I have been feeling like things are crawling on me for about 2 weeks now. I first started getting bit but the bites were just one at a time. Now a week later my husband feels it also. We have checked the beds and have seen nothing. No bugs. No one else in the house or neither of my five children have felt anything. We have bought the mattress covers for all the beds and I bought Sleep Tite spray from Fairy Tale Hair Care and have sprayed that on the beds and frames and all around the house and  I am scared to death. I am having the kids shower twice a day and I still cant see anything. I sure feel it though. I feel like things are crawling on me but not always biting. We did the tape on the bed legs test and saw nothing. I dont know what is going on. Now my kids are getting bit and there is no bugs. I get out of the shower and sit in my kitchen and I can feel crawling but there isnt anything there. I am losing my mind. could this be something other than bed bugs? Is this how they start? I figured I would have seen at least one of them by now. If anyone has any ideas please let me know. Thanks Mary

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