Some measures I adopted and would recommend.
- Put bed bug protector covers onto the mattresses and pillows (Bed Bath and
Beyond). They will suffocate inside your mattress and die.
- Get Chinchilla dust bath from http://stores.petsmart.com/index.php
dust your home below the base board and other hiding spots. Put it around the
perimeter of your bed. It sucks the moisture from the bed bug and they will
eventually die. Use a mustard jar - fill it with this dust and spray it around.
Open the wall sockets and spray it inside (between two walls - where they are
typically hiding). It's made of diatomaceous earth- non toxic - and it kills
anything with an exoskeleton, roaches, fleas, bedbugs, yellowjacks, you name it.
You can buy it at a pet store. Sprinkle it or puff it with condiment squeeze
bottle or something similar, work it in with a wisk broom, vacuum the excess and
you've nailed them. Don't hire an expensive pest control firm that will spray
toxic chemicals.
- Put a double sided tape around the legs of your bed
- There is a chain of thought about steam cleaning - but it only works if the
steam comes in contact with the bed bugs. They are hidden deep inside your
mattress.and will be hard to reach.
- Purchase EQUATE or RID bedding spray from Walmart (near pharmacy section) and
spray any area you suspect of hosting bed bugs.
- This is a good time to go on a cleaning binge - clean your home up real good.
Reduce clutter and become a minimalist.
- Pull the furniture away from the walls - you should be able to see the edges.
Pull the bed away from the wall and any wall hangings.
- Focus on the rooms where folks sleep - that is where the bed bugs converge
- If you have carpet, think about getting hard wood. Will make it easier to get
rid of the bed bugs. We got lucky, had put in hard wood a few years ago.
- Laundry your bed sheets every week. Take the comforter to a commercial dryer /
dry cleaner.
- Before getting into your night clothes run them into the microwave or dryer (@
hot) - we have not been too good with this.
- Spray medicated baby talcum powder underneath your bed sheets - functions like
the Chinchila dust
- Run your laundry cycle at hot only - dryer at hot only
- In my mind it is not worthwhile to pay pest control. They will come in and
play the fear card - just stay firm. Invite them to learn and see what they have
to offer. But the destiny of these bug s lie in your hand. Play your cards well
- be meticulous and read up. THey are hard to get rid off and giving a PCO $3000
is not the cure. You just play it smart and do the right things you have a
pretty good chance of getting rid of them. It takes a good mixture of
dedication, obsession, and some good natural products to exterminate these
things, but it can be done. So do not give up hope.
- If you have tell tale marks on your body, cover them with band-aid and see if
new ones crop up. If new ones crop up, the bed bugs are still int your bed.
- We did throw away some furniture - but it was time to get some new ones

Think of all the good things that life has offered you and continues to offer
you. Be happy - that bed bugs are the least of your problems - could be a lot worse.
Stay positive.
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