September 29, 2009

Night Watch Monitor is up and running

We got the Nightwatch monitor over the weekend.
Takes a couple minutes to setup.

Lowes initially said they didn't have the CO2 bottle, but called other Lowes and finally talked to someone knowledgeable who found it for us (locally). The CO2 bottles are expensive! Found these Co2 bottles online as well (lot cheaper @, you have to make sure there are threads at the end of the CO2 bottles) - it is considered hazmat, thus ground shipment takes time. BioSensory Inc (manufacturers of Night Sensor) take time to answer the emails, but do eventually get to it.

I had it setup last night - you setup the time, and the inbuilt timer turns it on at 10pm and shuts off at 6AM. This morning, I walked upto the machine not expecting to find any bug. But to my surprise, found one trapped in the side container. The bed bugs climb over easily, attracted by the CO2 emission, and find themselves in this slippery zone - from which they cannot escape. This bed bug is now sitting inside a zip lock bag of DE.

I have not seen a bed bug since a week - after sprinkling DE all over the house. I am glad I ordered this. The plan is to run it for 4 days in each room (typical feeding cycle), moving it around. If we set it up in a bedroom, no one will be sleeping in that room, to make it easier for a bed bug to bed bugs to try to get their bloodmeal from the Night zone and not a breathing human.

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